대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱후기 유성스머프룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱후기 유성스머프룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱후기 유성스머프룸싸롱
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱후기 유성스머프룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱후기 유성스머프룸싸롱

They were all people whom it would not be strange to sit

mong students. In the case of Yeom Je-sin, he was Lee Je

-hyeon’s successor in the original history.Since not everyo

ne can be like them, the level of difficulty had to be adjus

ted to some extent for ordinary children.So what was cho

sen was Buddhist reform.Unlike others, this one will tak

e effect immediately from the moment you touch it.Abov

e all, if you shake them off properly, there are quite a lot

of things you can gain on the side.The wealth of the tem

ple and the numerous monks who ran away to become

monks were all elements that would be of great help to

Goryeo.“Master, what do you think we should start wit

h in order to purify Buddhism?”“I think the culture of

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱후기 유성스머프룸싸롱

pursuing profit needs to change.”“What could be an ex

ample?”“We must limit the number of slaves, land, an

d monks owned by temples.”Baekmunbo was concern

ed about the outflow of human resources.Because so m

any people are trying to become monks, the number of

people willing to do military and military service is de

creasing.What he was talking about was ultimately the

concubine system implemented during the Northern

and Southern Dynasties in China.It was not unfamiliar

in Korea as it had already been implemented around t

he time of King Chungsuk.If you receive a bribe at the

time.Up to 50 pieces of artillery had to be produced.

It is a fairly expensive fee, but it later became much hi

gher after the founding of Joseon.A nobleman had to g

ive up 100 pieces of artillery, a nobleman had to give

up 150 pieces of artillery, and a cheonin had to give

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱후기 유성스머프룸싸롱

up 200 pieces of artillery.Of course, people with that

level of wealth were not common, and there were quit

e a few who became monks illegally in secret.“Then w

hat should come first?”“We will need to first understa

nd the current status of temples scattered across the

country in detail.”“I think the same thing too.”First, I

needed to know what level it was.Only then will you be

able to find the most appropriate way to solve it.Budd

hism could not be recklessly touched.Since ancient ti

es, those involved in politics, regardless of whether the

y are in the East or the West, have had to pay attentio

n to the religious community.This is because it is in li

ne with the public sentiment of the people.It had to

e at least somewhat persuasive.For that, a helper w

as needed.It was perfect for a monk who knew Buddh

ism better than anyone else and had considerable inf

luence.As soon as my thoughts reached that point, the

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성알라딘룸싸롱 유성알라딘룸싸롱후기 유성스머프룸싸롱

most suitable person came to mind. There were people

who had deep loyalty to Goryeo, deplored the deterior

ating Buddhism, and wanted reform.Moreover, his infl

uence was so great that his reputation was widely kno

wn even in the Yuan Dynasty.Once we got him to join

us, it was like we were only half-eaten.As soon as my

thoughts reached that point, I immediately called the e

unuch and gave him instructions.“Go to Ambassador

Bow and tell him to enter the palace.”

위로 스크롤